1. Do I need a license to fly the Hummingbird?

Yes. This helicopter requires a FAA private rotorcraft license.

2. Do I need a fixed wing license first?

No. You can start as a helicopter pilot.

3. Can I take lessons in my own Hummingbird?

Yes. A Flight Instructor can give you flight training in your helicopter.

4. What is the price of the Hummingbird?

The price of the kit is $174,900.00. A deposit is required to secure a position and delivery date. Contact our sales office for details.

5. Is the engine included in the price?

No. The engine is sold separately and can be purchased through Vertical Aviation Technologies.

6. What other costs will I need to include?

The Fuel Injected IO-540 aircraft powerplant if purchased thru Vertical Aviation Technologies is priced at $86,500.00.

Paint cost is approximately $1,500. Radios can be as inexpensive as $800. Compare this finished cost against other helicopters.

a. Robinson R-44$605,260.00four place
b. Enstrom F280$545,000.00three place
c. Schweizer 300C$463,000.00three place
d. Cabri G2$450,000.00two place

7. Is the throttle synchronized with the collective?

Yes. The system works very well and with a heavier 3-bladed rotor system, r.p.m.’s will not “bleed off” quickly like a two blade system. The 3-blade rotor system eliminates any concern for mast bumping. An electronic throttle governor will be available soon.

8. Can I maintain my own helicopter?

Yes. After you complete the assembly process the FAA will issue you a Repairman’s Certificate. This cannot be accomplished with a commercial helicopter.

9. What is the hourly operating cost?

Fuel Injected Engine IO-540






Fuel – 16 gph @ $4.50 gallon








Major Component Overhaul @ TBO




$131.32 per flight-hour

Note: There are no calendar inspections so operating cost is based on flight hours only.

10. Does this helicopter design meet the stringent FAA standards?

Yes. This helicopter was originally approved for commercial use by the FAA. We elected to sell it in kit form in order to reduce the assembly costs for you. The original design went thru FAA engineering and flight testing programs. All dynamic components were subjected to a fatigue life substantiation. Fatigue life is substantiated by measuring, in-flight steady and vibratory loads on components like rotor blades with strain gauges and the helicopter is flown at all weights, c.g.’s, altitudes, temperatures, and maneuvers: With these known loads a minimum of four specimens (ex: rotorblades), are loaded and cycled with special equipment in a laboratory until failure. This establishes the life of the component before failure. This information cannot be predicted.

11. Do you have a quality control process for the manufacturing of parts?

Yes. We have been involved with extensive FAA manufacturing approvals and FAA Repair Station. This was required for our company to manufacture components like rotorheads and rotorblades for Commercial Transport Category helicopters.

12. What kind of fuel does the Hummingbird require?

Because of the low compression Fuel Injected IO-540 aircraft engine is configured for 91 octane to 100LL. 

13. Can an auxiliary fuel system be installed?

Yes. We have available a 22 gallon auxiliary fuel system increasing the range to 545 miles.

14. Is there baggage space?

Yes. The Hummingbird has two large easily accessed baggage compartments in the main cabin.

15. Is there any weight limit per seat?


16. Is there any calendar life on the airframe or components?


17. What are the overhaul periods?

All components were designed for 1200 flight hours. The overhaul information is provided to you with the builders/assembly manual or you can send them back to the factory for overhaul. These components are very simple in design. The Lycoming engine has a 2200 hours overhaul period. There are no calendar inspections.

18. What are the life limited components?

There are no life limited components except for the main and tail blades. Because of the over built design the rotorhead, tail rotor, and main shaft have no fatigue life. The main blades are 1200 hours and the tail blades are 4000 hours.

19. How difficult is this helicopter kit to assemble?

A tremendous amount of effort from our part went into designing this real certified helicopter to be assembled by yourself. In addition to detailed manuals, there are drawings and photographs. The average build time is approximately 1200 hours. Because all transmissions are shaft driven, we build all critical components at the factory on precision fixtures. So a lot of the work has already been accomplished for you and this kit meets the 51% rule with the FAA.

20. How do I place my order for a Hummingbird?

Please contact our sales department at 407-322-9488 or email sales@vertical-aviation.com.  A deposit is required to place an order.

21. How long has the company been in business?

We have been in business since 1987, active with the Hummingbird program for 30 years. We have sold over 350 helicopters worldwide.

22. Can I install a cargo hook?

Yes. This helicopter was designed and approved for a cargo hook.

23. Do you have a Dealership Network?

No. Therefore please contact us directly.